Canon mx860 wireless setup
Canon mx860 wireless setup

canon mx860 wireless setup

canon mx860 wireless setup canon mx860 wireless setup

Important I nformatio n Y ou Need Before A dding Y o ur Multifunction The fo l lowing informat ion i s required to conn ect to y our acc ess point or router. Preparing to Connect My Multifun ction T o My Netw ork Be sure to pre p are an a cce ss point. The co nfigur ation, rou ter function s, s etup pr ocedu res and security settin gs of the net.Network R equiremen ts Bef or e connectin g the machi ne to the network, mak e s ur e that co nfigur ation of the comp uter and access po int or ro uter is compl ete, and that the co mput er is connect ed to the network. When t he Un inst allati on Complet e windo w is displ ay ed, click 'Compl ete.'. When t he co nfirmatio n window is displa yed, cli ck 'Y es.


‘ Uninst alling t he Mu ltifunction Driver s > 5 4. When t he MP Dr iver s Un inst aller window is displ ayed, clic k 'Ex ecute. Select 'Pr ogr am' (f or Wi ndows 20 00), or 'All Pr ograms. Uninst alling t he Mu ltifunction Driver s > 4 1. T u rn off any pr ogr ams runni ng in the backgr ound, such as antivir us pr ogr ams and f ir ewalls befo re beginni ng. Not e: Login as a user with Admin istr at or privileges to un instal l. > Uninsta ll ing and R e-inst alling Y our Multifunction t o Y our Netw ork PIXMA MX860 Windows OS Unins talli ng the Multifunc tion Driv ers 4 Preparing t o Connect My Multifunc tion t o My Network 6 Network Requ ir ements 6 Import ant Inf ormation Y ou Need Bef or e Addin g Y ou r Multifun ction 7 Preparing Y our M. R outer set tin gs ha v e been c han g ed.Y ou w ant t o use a dif f er en t wir eless ne twork.Y ou ha v e r eplac ed your R out er or Access P oint.If an y of th e f ollo wi ng situ ations e xist, y ou will nee d t o Unins tall an d Re-In st all the MP Driver s Getting Y our Multifunction Back On Y our Net w or k Aft er A R out er Or Netw ork Change PIXMA M X860 Windo ws OS 1.

Canon mx860 wireless setup